Unlimited arrows-Look for any character anywhere in the map that shoots arrows on training dummies. After the first persuasion, the Persuade option will still be available, and you can keep using it to level up your Speech skill quicker. Once you find him, talk to him and select “Tell me about Maven Black-Briar” and persuade him (X button for PS3 and A button for Xbox 360). Fast travel to Riften and look for a male Dark Elf called Ungrien inside the city. Quick Speech skill level-This increases your Speech skill quickly. This will help you increase the armor level and Restoration without getting killed. The damage you receive will be less than your healing rate. Find a weak enemy and let it attack you while you are healing. Set the game’s difficulty to Novice and go outside the world.
Easy armor level-up-This glitch lets you easily level up your armor. These glitches are minor faults during the development of the game that was included in the released version. Instead, there are game glitches or secrets that you can use and abuse. Skyrim is also available for PS3 and Xbox 360, but unlike Skyrim for the PC, there is no console screen you can use to type in cheat codes. There are many sites on the Internet, like that share cheat codes whenever a new one is created or available. There are several more cheats available online, and players also keep creating more. sexchange-This will let you change your character’s gender after creating it. player.modav carryweight-This will increase your character’s maximum weight capacity. resurrect-This cheat allows you to resurrect any non-playable character that’s been killed. killall-This will kill every non-playable character in the area. kill-This will allow you to kill any non-playable target character. tlevel #-This is just like player.advlevel, but this sets your character to a specific level, either lower or higher from its current level. tfc-This lets you change the camera’s viewpoint to Skycam, letting you see Skyrim from above, as if you’re flying. Item codes can be obtained from walkthrough sites like. Replace ITEM with the item code, and # with the amount of that item you want. player.additem ITEM #-This adds a specific item and amount to your bag. showracemenu-This lets you change the race and appearance of your main character. player.advlevel-This will instantly increase your character’s level. psb-Your character will instantly learn all the spells available. unlock-This instantly unlocks any doors or chests without having to use a lock pick. tgm-This makes your character completely invulnerable. Here are some of the cheat codes you can use: There are a lot of cheat codes available over the Internet, from adding simple items in your inventory to making your character immortal.