Fortunately, Google Docs comes with a built-in spell checker. When thoughts are crossing your mind faster than your typing speed, you tend to make spelling mistakes. I frequently use it to write helpful guides for GT. As stated earlier, you can choose to replace the misspelled word with suggested word, add it to dictionary, or simply ignore the error.Google Docs is one of the most popular and functional online word processor apps right now. The Spell Checker will start pointing out the errors one by one. You can also use the Ctrl + Alt + Shift + S hotkey combination to open the Spell Checker. Once done, go to the Plugins menu again and click the Spell Checker option. Once installed, navigate to Plugins –>Spell-Checker, and click the provided URL to download and install Full installer.exe, of required Precompiled dictionary. In the proceeding window, look for Spell-Checker under Available tab, select it and then click Install. To install Spell Checker, open Plugin Manager from Plugins > Plugin Manager > Show Plugin Manager. In my previous reviews i always mention about how to install a new plugin in Notepad++. Don’t stop reading for more details Spell Checker just after the break. Moreover, you can add new custom words to its dictionary after reviewing all the suggested words for the misspelled word. Not only does it mark spelling errors, it also helps you fix spelling mistakes and even lets you ignore selected or all errors. The plugin supports multiple languages, including English, French, Spanish, Danish, German and more.

Spell Checker, as its name implies, allows you to quickly correct spelling mistakes in plain text documents. Today, we have another one at your disposal called Spell-Checker. Earlier, we have covered quite a lot of Notepad++ plugins, including details on how to install them. The application is mostly favored by developers as it greatly helps then in programming and coding various scripts, however, there are lots of plugins available for people who are not coders and still find quite handy. It also supports an umpteen number of third-party plugins that help users extend native source code editing functions. Apart from supporting a number of programming languages, it includes a syntax highlighting feature, a great feature which simply enables application developers to easily detect and correct syntax errors in their source code files. It is very comprehensive and probably the best of its kind. Notepad++ is an open-source text editor that offers a slew of basic and advanced text & source code editing features that are not found in integrated notepad utility.